The dictionary entries contain:
However, entries display only the data types that are used.
Identically spelled but semantically different terms are separated by superscript numbering. E.g.: hit1 and hit2, that have different meaning and definitions.
Each Danish term is usually followed by an equivalent English term [in brackets]. In some cases two or more English terms are listed, separated by semicolon.
Please note: The English and Danish terms are not necessarily equivalent in a broader sense, and care should be taken to check the terms elsewhere before using them in translations.
As a rule, the spelling of equivalent terms is American-English. In a few instances both the American-English and the British-English spelling is given, e.g. catalog and catalogue.
All definitions are in Danish and do not conform to any formal criteria such as those of ISO TC37. They contain examples plus historical and encyclopedic notes.
Synonymous terms are listed below the definition. For example: the term justering will be found under udslutning as the preferred term, and a search for justering will find udslutning.
The preferences among synonyms is only a means to avoid the duplication of definitions and does not indicate any preference in usage.
References and cross-references to other terms are marked in a light red color, and clicking on them leads you to the entry in question. References can be links to external websites, also shown in a light red color.
In the definition part of an entry there is often a reference to a related or contrasting term, under which additional information is given. Such references are indicated with jf. [cf] or (Modsat ...) [(Opposite ...)] for example: palæotype ...Jf. inkunabel, and grundstreg ...[body stroke (in a printed letter)] (Modsat: hårstreg) [hair stroke].
Terms and equivalents followed by the reference se under [look under] are defined in the entry for the term referred to. For instance akronym se under initialord. Unlike synonymous terms se under-terms are more easily explained in the context of other terms.
Some entries include illustrations. In addition there are plates with juxtaposed illustrations of defined items that need to be seen together to explain the terms implied better. The plates are found by clicking the highlighted name after 'Planche' in the entry.
Besides seeking in the main order of alphabetically arranged terms, users may also browse in clusters of related terms.
"Clusters" (in terminology) are classes of terms that relate or associate to each other, without necessarily being semantically related. Clustering is meant to improve information seeking by pointing to specific search terms within a broader subject field.
The clustering of topics in this dictionary is meant to serve information seekers who are not familiar with a specific term used in library and information science. Also, the clusters may be used by broadly interested users for exploring specific fields of information and documentation.
The clusters in this dictionary do not comprise all defined terms. You will find terms that are not included in any cluster, as well as terms included in more than one cluster. The authors of the dictionary have made a selection which, hopefully, will be of use.
All cluster names are in Danish.
In some cases, the button "Uddybning" will take a user to an amplification of the definition of a term.
Note that the data in this system and the system itself are copyrighted as described on the copyright pane (Danish: "Ophavsret").